Next meeting: September 5 at Verboten Brewing North
Do It Yourself – DIY
Earlier, DIY was mostly required for homebrewing gear because there weren’t a lot of resources. If you wanted a mash tun or wort chiller, you couldn’t just buy one and have it delivered.
People often repurposed other items (Corona grain mills, boutique pasta grain mill), came up with solutions, and traded project ideas and plans
Today there are plenty of choices for most things
Still some repurposing (biodiesel heat exchangers for plate chillers), but there’s a whole economy of homebrewing equipment
Why bother with DIY? For the same reasons we are homebrewers in a town with lots of great commercial beer choices:
Self satisfaction
Saving some money
Tailoring a solution to your specific needs
There are still plenty of niche areas without obvious commercial solutions
DIY is still alive and well. A lot of the little things are easy to find now, but bigger “challenges” offer a good return on DIY efforts:
Electric brewing systems
Temperature controlled fermentation – Glycol chillers, refrigerated spaces
Keezer setups
BIAB hoists
General tips:
Think of ways to optimize your brewing process – what could make it go easier?
Check out other people’s setups – they may give you ideas
Google (or other search engine) is your friend, “homebrew diy” is a great start
DIY – examples and some online resources:
Projects (many of which I published in Craft Beer and Brewing magazine